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Les Bebes


Under two and their carers.


30 minute class


£6.00 per child

This is a gentle, multisensory class that will nurture your baby’s natural appetite to learn and communicate.


Each class is specifically designed to stimulate your little one’s brain and enable you to strengthen the bond between you and your baby as you spend time learning together.


This class will also give you a chance to meet like-minded people in a safe and caring environment as well as brush up your own language skills.


Course Content: At this stage, our main aim is for babies to associate languages with a fun and pleasurable experience and the French and Spanish baby biscuits at the end are always something to look forward to! 


Contact us for more information and to book a class.

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''My daughter has so much fun at Fun Francais and learns in a way that is fun and meaningful for her. It’s such a lovely relaxed atmosphere and she looks forward to the class every week.’'  Sam

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